Toyota Repair: Gas gauge is incorrect on a 1999 toyota 4Runner Limited, fuel tank sending unit, applicable sales tax

Hi, I just recently purchased a 1999 toyota 4runner.  It is in perfect condition except for the gas gauge.  This gas tank holds 18.5 gallons and on my first fill up, the gauge said it was empty, so I filled it all the way up and it only took 12 gallons.  I have done many internet searches and have only found this following answer. I copied and pasted this from a MSN site.

An occasional problem on this vehicle is failure of the Combination Meter Circuit Plate #3 for the Fuel Gauge and the Fuel Tank Sending Unit. Failure of the Combination Meter Circuit Plate #3 and the Fuel Tank Sending Unit will cause the Fuel Gauge to indicate the incorrect fuel level. The cost to replace the Combination Meter Circuit Plate #3 is estimated at $152.31 for parts and $65.00 for labor. The cost to replace the Fuel Tank Sending Unit is estimated at $159.33 for parts and $130.00 for labor. All prices are estimates based on $65 per flat rate hour and do not include diagnostic time or any applicable sales tax.

Is the circuit plate #3 in the gas tank or is this on a fuse box, and can I do this fix or should I take it to the dealer.



Toyota has issued a service bulletin(EL010-00) to adress this concern, the meter circuit plate#3 is part of the combination meter, it's basically a printed circuit board, the other parts are located in the fuel tank which has to be removed to get to those parts. I think you should contact your toyota dealer, this is an expensive repair and is quite labor intensive, after replacing the circuit board the instrument cluster will have to be recalibrated so it shows the correct mileage.