Toyota Repair: Random stalling, temp guage, needle in a haystack

I have recently been having random stalling with my 1990 4runner 3.0 V6 5 speed. It seems to run fine. I will be driving along and it just dies like it was turned off. It doesnt start right back up right away ...but after a minute or so it starts back up and runs fine once again.
Somedays it never stalls and today it stalled like 5 times on my way home from work Grrrrrrr.
Hotrter than usual out today if that helps. Guages seem normal and there is no check engine light on.

Well I disconnected the vaccum line to the EGR valve to see if this would cure my random stalling. And of course on the way into work it stalled 3 times....:-( . I guess thats not it. But strange enough I thought my problem was getting worse but on my way home this evening it
didnt stall once !!! Yesterday it was really hot outside and stalled like 5 times. And this evening it was much cooler and raining and didnt
stall once. I dunno coincendince ? I havent noticed anything out of the ordinary with the temp guage.

Well I took a quick peek at the wiring near the fuel rails..well only on the drivers side. I guess I hoping to find a wear spot in one of the
wires. I am not sure where others were finding this problem. There is somewhat of a plastic box around the group of wires parallel to the fuel rail on the drivers side. I suppose I would have to unplug the harness and untape some wires to really see if there is a problem there. I sorta feel like I am looking for a needle in a haystack. Now if I wanted to check the harness on the passanger side...I guess the intake would have to be removed to get at those. I dont think I am prepared to do that.
Truck was not just stalling at idle..I could be driving along at 90km/hr in 5th gear and it would just die. I could push in the clutch
count to 20 and it would start up again. Why one day it would not stall at all..and the next day I could hardly make it home is really baffling
me. Something has got to be failing. I sorta told myself I would drive it until it died so that me or another mechanic could find the issue
without guessing or changing parts.

I have a rusting issue on the bottom corner of my passenger side windshield...where when it rains water comes inside the vehicle near
the passenger side kick panel..oh ya right where the engine computer control is. Doh. Over the years it has caused quite a bit of rusting on
the floor there and in that general area. The connectors to the computer look clean with no corrosion...but I almost wonder if this could possibly causing some isssues. I really wish that the check engine light would come on so I could get some codes to help.


When it stalls and doesnt start, see if the check engine light is lit on the dash.
Any time you turn the key on, before crank, if the check engine light is out you dont have power to the enine ecu.

You may have a bad efi main relay. That would explain no check engine light as it cuts power to the ecu so it cant store a code.
Try swithing it with another "like" relay in the fuse box.
