Toyota Repair: 1988 Twincam Corrola, car idles, fuel quality

Hi Mike, my mom has a contious problem with her Twincam, its done around 250000km and the idle can not be adjusted to 900 with out the car stalling while depressing the clutch. A while ago she got a few macs to check it out but all of them failed, one guy even removed the ball from the automatic choke, it did come right after that but a few days later same thing the idle had to be increased to stop the stalling. I have even gone as far as to swoping the module, the part behind the trottle bodie, all plugleads,distributor cap, rotar, still no joy. I have simply failed now the car idles @ 1700 to stop the stalling but its really high on fuel? At times while idleing it will hunt up and down, this only hapeens when the car gets warmed up.

sounds like something is stalling it.
Turning the idle up just compensates for it.
Check the air intake for cracks.
Check the obvious- timing, plugs, fuel quality, etc.
Its a good motor. Whatever the problem is should be clearly obvious.
