Toyota Repair: 4runner starts rough, 4runner sr5, smoke oil

Hi Mike,
I have a 1997 4Runner SR5 v6 4x4. About a month ago it began to start a little rough. It's sounds as if not all cylinders are firing. Gradually (over 10-15 seconds)the engine begins to run smooth (as it should). This generally happend just once a day or if the car sat idle for more than 8 hrs. Now it does it more frequently.
I took the car in for a checkup a few days after this oddity began, although, it was for a general checkup as I was going out of town and the service guy said he believed a efi flush (somthing to that sort) should take care of it.
Unforntunatel, it did not.
Any suggestions?

Hmmm could be a fuel injector leaking when its not running so it has top burn off the extra fuel in the motor.
Could be a leaking headgasket, coolant in a cyl.
Does the coolant resevoir drop any?

Hows the exhaust look/smell when you start it?
That may tell all.
Blue smoke = oil
white smoke + smells sweat + coolant
Black smoke = fuel
