Toyota Repair: Oil Leak, valve cover gasket, crankshaft pulley

I have a 1994 Toyota pick-up, I have a bad oil leak in the front of the motor.Could you tell me how many gaskets or seals are in the front and what to do to fix it. It is a 22R

There are four common leak areas on this engine,the valve cover gasket, the front oilpump seal, the timing cover and the oil pan.
The most common is the oil pump seal and o-ring located just behind the crankshaft pulley.
The timing cover has gaskets between the cover and the block and they are also a common leak especially on the lower right where the oil pressure from the pump goes through into the block. It could be the valve cover gasket but the oil should leak from the top down, if the valve cover gasket area is dry then you can rule it out.
To replace the font crank seal the crank pulley has to be removed and then the oil pump, this is a gear type pump and is driven off the front of the crankshaft, there is a thing o-ring type seal between the oil pump body and the timing cover that also needs to be replaced, if the timing cover gaskets are leaking the timing cover must be removed, this can be done without removing the cylinder head. Clean the area and try to determine where the leak is actually coming from before making a repair attempt.