Toyota Repair: fuel punp/carburator, punp, wd40

I have a 1987 corolls sr5. The problem Im having, is that it wont run unless you spray some wd40 on the carburator. From my knowledge, I think that it would be either the carburator or the fuel pump. To further more inform you on my status, the engine starts, but wil only run if you continuisly spray wd40 on the carb. when the wd40 is burnt off, it dies. My first thought was that the carb was bad and not delivering gas. But then again it could be the fuel pump. The car has been running great and there hasnt been many repairs to the best of my knowledge. As this is my daily driver, I would really apreciate it if you got back to me as soon as possible.


Let me understand this correctly before responding:
You say you are spraying WD-40 "ON" the carburetor, do you mean you are spraying on the outside of it or into the carb opening, where exactly are you spraying it?
You can check the fuel pump by disconnecting the hose from the pump to the carburetor and putting the end into a suitable container and then crank the engine over and see if the bottle starts filling with gas, if it does, chances are the fuel pump is not the problem.