Toyota Repair: 94 4runner CV boot replacement, cv boots, cv boot

'94 Toy 4Runner, LF CV boot is torn.  Tire Shop
says I need to fix immediately, that the entire shaft needs to be replaced when thy get in there, not just the boot, the part is $180, and the labor is 3.5 hrs @ $69/hr.  Does this seem legit?  Can I just replace the boot, and if so, at what price?  How much does a CV joint cost?  Isn't $69/hr a tad much, I mean, I'm not hiring a lawyer here.... :) Thanks, Terry

The entire axle shaft does not need to be replaced, if it does it will be the first one I have seen, all that needs to be replaced are both of the cv boots.
At the dealer I work at on the west coast the boot kit is about $46 and the labor is at 3hrs at $85 an hour, so you should be able to get this done for around $350 at the toyota dealer, it may be less depending on where you live, prices are normally way higher on the west and east coast.
I recommend that you contact the local dealer and get a price quote from them.