Toyota Repair: 1992 Toyota Pickup - Manual Transmission, toyota pickup, shift fork


My 1992 Toyota Pickup is poping out of 5th gear while driving.  This happened out of nowhere.  There were no warning signs.  I was just driving down the interstate one day and it just fell out of gear.  I did make the discovery that if I hold it into 5th gear, it will stay, but I have to hold it in there pretty good.  All of the other gears are fine.  Someone suggested that the shifter is bad, other have said that the transmission is bad.  Any suggestions?  I did read an article similar to this on the website, but I wanted it was a different gear.  I have 186,000 miles on the truck.

If only fifth gear is popping out it seems there is a problem with the transmission, possibly a worn shift fork or shift sleeve but before you do anything have the shift bushings in the shift tower checked and replace them if needed, if it still jumps out of 5th it's the transmission.