Toyota Repair: Toyata Engine Differences, toyota 22re engine, oil pressure sender

I put an 1987 Toyota 22RE engine into a 1984 Toyota body that originally had a 22RE EFI engine. I have the motor running, but the Oil Pressure and Engine temperature gauges are not working. I know there is a slight wiring difference between the two. I had to use the '84 EFI harness on the '87 engine, because the plugs on the 84 body didn't match the 87 harness. on the 87, there are 2 wires that plug into sensors on the right side of the block, one beside the oil filter, and one just above the oil pan, and on the 84 there is only one, about center of the block. And the water temp sensor on the 84 is at the bottom center of the intake manifold, and on the 87 it is on the top near the front of the engine. How can I solve the problem of these differences, and get the guages to work properly on this crossbreed?

The only sense I can make of this at this time is that the two sensors on the right side of the block are the oil pressure sensor, it will be the one closest to the oil pan, and the knock sensor, the '84 did not have the knock sensor but the '87 did. Did you also install the ECU for the '87 engine, because they are also different, not sure if I'm being any help here.
You may have the knock sensor and the oil pressure sender wires connected backwards, try switching the connectors, make the wires longer if necessary, the water temp sensors work the same so just lengthen the wire from the harness and connect it to the sensor on the front of the head.