Toyota Repair: Avalon XLS 1995 and Rain problems, avalon xls, engine seals

I have a 1995 Avalon XLS with 108,000 miles. I got it from my wife when we traded my subaru in for her to have a new used Avalon. She bought it as a Certified used and took very good care of it. I have had it 7 months. Since then I have all new tires, balance, and 4 wheel alinment. Engine seals and drive belt changed, plugs etc for about $1500. I thought it was good investment for another two years.

I live in South Eastern Pa. The rain has been pretty steady all summer. When it rains and I have the AC or defroster on the AC lights blink the brakes make funny noises and the car feels like it going to stall. I turn off the AC/Defroster and stalling noise and feeling go away. The brakes may continue for a while. Today hurricane jeanne is making its way up the coast so everything is very wet. It was not raining when this last event happend. The whole car shuttered when accelarating up a hill twice and once when coming from a stop sign. I let it coast a while and it stopped. These things have only happened when it rains.

Any clues on what I should have the mechanic to look for would be greatly appreciated. I hate going to the dealer blind.


I assume there are no dash warning lights on.
The blinking a/c light indicates that there is a problem with the system, very likely a compressor problem, the compressor may be seizing and causing a heavy load on the engine, causing the stalling feeling, have the a/c system checked, the first thing in any a/c diagnostic procedure is to hook up pressure gauges to see what the low and high side pressures are, you can have any a/c repair shop or the toyota dealer do this.
The brake noise may be normal ABS operating noise.
There may also be an engine misfire caused by leaking/arcing spark plug wires and/or worn spark plugs.