Toyota Repair: 88 Camry, toyota dealer, timing chain

I bought an 88 Camry with 212k on it(cheap and for my kid) While driving it the other day, the car just died on the road. It appears that somethin fail with the water pump, and broke a belt. I asked a dealer about it, they tell me that since it is a 4 cyl. it has a timing chain and not a belt, thus bending a valve when it broke. I can see through a gap in a cover by the valve cover that there is a belt running through there and it does not move when the engine is turned over. Is this the timing belt, or would it be for something else? And would you know for sure if the valves would be bent if this happened. The vale cover has Toyota 2000 written on it, not sure which engine it has. Sorry to be long winded.

Let me assure you that whoever told you that this engine has a timing chain doesn't know anything about toyotas, the '88 engine has a timing belt and furthermore the valves can not come in contact with the pistons or bend if the belt breaks. The timing belt broke probably because the water pump seized, I highly recommend that you have a Toyota dealer take care of this.