Toyota Repair: 93 Camry hesitating/stalls/wont start, engine cranks, coil wire

Hello--I have an automatic 93 4-cylinder Camry, 123,000 miles.  For the past few months, I've felt the engine hesitate at a stop sign or when accelerating from a light, usually in the first 10 minutes of driving; once I had problems starting it, but it had been sitting outside for about 4 days in the cold and my brother-in-law thought it was water on the distributor cap.  A few days ago I was driving it and braking and the car stalled.  It started later that evening, but this morning the engine cranks but car doesn't start.  The spark plugs were changed about 5000 miles ago.  Could you give me your thoughts as to what might be causing the failure to start?  Thanks very much for your help.

The first thing that should be checked is to see if there is spark at the spark plugs, you can check to see if the distributor and igniter are ok by disconnecting the coil wire at the distributor cap and holding the end of it away from a ground at about 1/2 inch while someon cranks the engine over, the spark should jump to ground, if not the problem could be in the distributor or possibly the timing belt.