Toyota Repair: Driver Door handleOn Truck, door latch, control rods

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Question -
Can you help me please? the plastic on the back
of the door handle broke..and door is unusable.
I have purchased a door handle and now need
instructions to install it.. I would like to know
the step by step proceedure of how to install.
the inside panel comes off easily.. I was told
I needed a flexible wrench? Please advise..?
Toyota T-100 SR 5 1993. Do you see any reason
why a woman cannot repair this ? Thank You Very
Much, Laura
Answer -
Hello Laura, welcome to my expert page.
Please let me know if you are going to replace the inside or the outside door handle, then I can help.

Hi, you will need to remove the door panel then put the window all the way up, there are two 10mm bolts holding the handle on from the inside, they can be acessed with a ratchet and about a 8" extension, there is a tape cover that you have to remove to get the extension through, there are also three control rods attached, one from the inside door handle, one from the door latch and one from the door lock, these have to be removed(not easy to get to)once all the control rods are disconnected and the bolts are out the handle will come out.