Tractor Repair: carburetor problem with Ford 800, tank valve, float bowl

I have been experiencing problems with my Ford 800 tractor running rich and found out recently that it has had a leak in the float along the solder joint. So I bought a new float and installed it.  Now the engine will not remain idling. It still seems to be flooding the carburetor if I shut it off and leave the fuel tank valve open.  Does the float level need adjustment, and how would I adjust it?

 The new float may have to be adjusted.  With the float bowl removed, turn the carburetor upside down and the float should sit parallel with the edge of the carburetor.  If it doesn't, bend the float until it is correct.  When the carburetor is assembled, make sure the float is not binding inside by turning the carburetor upside down and right side up a few times.  You should hear the float move inside.  The needle valve and seat may also need replacing if it continues to flood.