Tractor Repair: Tractor size, new holland, bell housing

I have a ford farm tractor, I think it may be a early 80 or late 70 model?  I am replacing the clutch,This tractor has more stamped numbers on it than I have ever seen on one. Can you tell me where on this tractor is the correct number so I know what model it is?


  Wow, that's a tough one.  There must be no hood decals on this tractor so it can be identified?   Without already knowing what model it is, and exactly how old it is, it would be hard to say.  Some smaller models had a tag on the underside of the hood, some larger models had it up by the radiator bracket.  The really old models had a tag under the dash or numbers stamped on the bell housing.  If all else fails, consult a New Holland dealer.
                     Good luck