Tractor Repair: 1963 ford 2000, ford tractor, plowing snow

hello, my tractor appears to have no spark, just stopped running while plowing snow, should i replace the coil first and can i get one at auto parts store


   If you actually checked at the spark plugs and have no spark, do some tests first before replacing the coil.  Use a test light or volt meter to see if you have power at the + terminal of the coil with the ignition switch on.  If not, check the switch and wiring.  If there is power at the coil, replace the points and condenser, and check the distributor cap and rotor.  Check the wire between the coil and the center of the distributor cap also.  If everything else is OK, then try a new coil.  It's too costly to start replacing things without finding out what's wrong first.  Electrical parts are not returnable once the box is opened.  You may be able to find one at an auto parts store, but they won't be able to look it up by make and model.  They won't have a parts listing for a Ford tractor.  If you bring in the old one, they can probably match one up for you by comparing it to some new ones.  Some auto repair or tractor shops have a machine that can test a coil to see if it's OK or not.  You might want to try to have it tested.

                         Good luck,
