Tractor Repair: Craftsman 18.5hp lawn tractor elec.(?)/clutch/brake problem, speed transaxle, clutch pedal

"...a frozen/rusty pulley"? Why didn't you simply say that you didn't know? This tractor has six or seven pulleys. And what should I (or anyone reading your response) DO about a 'frozen/rusty' pulley?
Before your answer arrived I pulled the ignition switch and all of the wires leading to and away from it. After cleaning all of the terminals and reassembling I had absoulutely no problems.

Followup To

Question -
Eric, (Even if you can't help me, I thank-you for volunteering and sharing your knowledge)...Model No. 917.273811, 42" mower, electric start, 6 speed transaxle.
Problem: Engine starts just fine with the brake/clutch pedal depressed (as designed) however, when I release the pedal the engine dies as if the ignition had been turned off. When the emergency brake is on and pedal depressed the engine runs normally. It sat outside during a recent rain but, was fine prior to this. Thanks!

Answer -
It sounds like you have a frozen / rusty pulley.  

If the engine starts and runs --- why would anyone suspect that there was a problem with the ignition --- If I didn't know I would have denied the question -- When I answer a question I make a resonable assumption that the person asking the question is willing and able to check items I state could be a problem -- You should be looking for direction - and be humble and accepting of any help the volunteers offer you --- Now I am soory I could be more help to you ..

Thank you.