Tractor Repair: Brakes, wet disc brakes, john deere 5105

I recently purchased a 2000 John Deere 5105 2wd utility tractor. I use the tractor to bush hog pastures. I recently noticed that whenever I press the brakes there is a grinding sound that comes from the rear of the tractor. I also noticed that the brakes appear to drag when the tractor is in a forward gear. I have never owned a tractor before and do not know if this is normal or if there is a problem that needs to be repaired. Thanks for your help.

Jerry Keith- Birmingham, AL

Jerry have you had any service work done on the tractor ?.
As if the trans oil has been changed and the wrong oil used.
This can sometimes give the type of problems you say are happening as the wet brakes need a special oil in the trans this is an anti squark oil for wet disc brakes which I think your JD may have look at this and see.
If this fixesthe problem drop me a line and let me know how it goes.

           Regards Danny Last