Tractor Repair: Ford 8N tractor hydraulics (3 Point hitch), ford 8n tractor, tractor hydraulics

1948 Ford 8N:  When the touch control lever is raised to the up position, the 3 point hitch arms raise fully, but drop rapidly to about the half way position and then stay steady.  I have adjusted the linkages, spring tensions and spring lengths according to the original operators manual and the I & T shop service manual to no avail.  There are no obvious leaks that I can see.  What do you suggest?  I live near Cold Lake in Alberta Canada.

Dell hi the only thing I can suggest is that you look at taking the lift cover off and checking the few seal that are on the system eg the main lift ram seal as this is possible contender for the problem the seals can wear here if you have the manual it should be easy for you to do.

            Kind regards Danny Last