Triumph Repair: 1972 tr6 will not start after winter storage, type solenoid, starter solenoid

My tr6 was running when put up for winter. Tried to start it mid winter but battery was discharged beyond recovery, forgot to unscrew battery circuit plug. Replaced battery, when I turn key no anything. Not even a click. interior lights do not dim. Checked fuses and for loose wires. Starter is new, about 25-30 starts on it, and is pre-engaged type, solenoid on top. rocked car some in gear, thought there may be something stuck but no change. Where can I start to solve this problem?    Help needed    Tks jim

Hi Jim,

That should not be too hard to correct but you will need a 12v test light or a volt meter.

When you say that you have nothing, I take it that you mean no IGN light, no responce from the starter etc. With a new fresh battery that means you have a major connection problem, so first take the test light and put the clip on a good clean metal part of the engine and the point of the test light on the (+) positive POST (not the cable end)of the battery and the test light should be bright. Now leave it on and have someone try to start it.

If nothing happens and the light stays bright, move the clip of the test light to the (+) post on the starter solenoid and put the point of the test light on the (-) Negative POST (not the cable end) of the battery and repeat the start test. If again the light stays bright and nothing happens. Put the clip of the test light on the small post of the starter solenoid where the White w/Red tracer wire is mounted and the point of the test light on any clean metal part of the engine and have someone try to start the engine. If the test light does NOT come on go to the next test. If the light does come on, you either have a bad starter solenoid or you skipped the first tests I gave you.

If the light did not come on, move the test light clip to a clean good ground under the dash and with the point of the test light check for power on the Brown w/White tracer wire on the Ign/start switch.

Don't skip any of these tests and do them in the order I gave them to you and you will find the problem. Let me know the results.
