Triumph Repair: fuel guage, voltage stabilizer, fuse block

QUESTION: why is the voltage to the fuel guage reduced to 10v, is the voltage stabalizer realy needed in the system.what else is powered from the stabalizer besides the fuel and temp guages. thanks.

Yes, a voltage stabilizer is needed so that differences in charge rate do not give you different readings on the gauges. All the Triumphs in the US used a voltage stabilizer for those two gauges only. You didn't say what kind of Triumph you had but if it was a US version it didn't matter. MG did the same.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your answer Howard, maybe i'm a little confused here. I have a TR6, 1973. it has an alternator with a voltage regulator so the charge rate should be the same when the engine is running you get a little higher volts right after starting but then it stabalizes just like any other car, also the stabalizer comes off the fuse block which comes off the battery, I could see a problem if the guages were voltage driven but they are driven by varring the ground return or am I wrong on this.

Hi Bob,
BLM must, for some reason think you are wrong, but if you think they were wrong installing a 10v power supply for those two gauges, it is your car so you are well within your rights to remove it from the system and run them on 12v. let me know how it works out.