Triumph Repair: in 72 the TR6 was split in two. how do I know which part mine is, tr6 owners, vintage triumph

Is there actual date that a difference in car parts for the TR6 happened. and
how can I tell which parts I should purchase for mine.I repairing the braking
system, rear differential and master cylinder. The parts purchased form Auto
zone needs to know which side my car was born on. QUEST:-How I tell if
there were any changes on my car AND how do I get direct parts*not for auto
zone. I have a garage that has a resale wholesaler permit but he knows little
about the TR6. He's very eager to move forward on my baby but I want to
maintain maximum vintage standing.- Please help before my mechanic goes
too far- Antonio 3233149738


The most obvious change in the TR6s that occurred in the early 70's was a change in the front turn signal mounting.  Originally the turn signals were on the bumper but were moved to the bodywork to reduce (hopefully) repair costs in the event of an accident.

Mechanically the cars stayed fairly similar over the production run but there were small changes constantly to accomodate US law changes.

The commission number (sometimes used at the "VIN" for US titles) will determine the exact break point.

If your commission number is a "CC xxxxx" then the car is 1972 or earlier.

If your commission number is a "CF xxxxx" then the car is 1973 model or newer.

There is a good list of vendors that specialize in TR6 parts on the Vintage Triumph Register website (  Working from your commission number they will be able to supply the correct parts.

If anyone in the past 36 years has "changed" anything because of lack of correct parts, a situation not uncommon in the early 80s after the Triumph dealers closed shop, then you may have some problems.

The best solution would be to look up a local chapter (club) on the VTR website and join up.  The TR6 owners in your local club will be able to pinpoint exactly what is correct and incorrect on your car.

