Volkswagen Repair: 72 VW Bus wont start, vw bus, secondary voltage

 My bus won't start.  It was running perfect yesterday and today it is having problems.  It has always been a strong runner and this is the first time it has had this problem.  I hear it trying to turn over but it just won't do it.  I have a n 1800, pancake and 5 rib tranny. Any suggestions on where to start?

Hi Ron;
When you say you hear it trying to turn over, I can't tell exactly what you mean, but I will do what I can.  If there is only a clicking noise when the ignition switch is turned to start, the starer, and/or the solenoid could be bad.  If it actually engages the starter, and goes around, but doesn't catch, and run, then it has to be either fuel delivery, or spark.  Can you smell gasoline at the carburetor?  Does the fuel pump actually operate?  If it's spark...It could be the points in the distributor aren't seperating, and generating an "A. C." waveform to turn into a primary voltage for the coil to turn into a secondary voltage at the spark plugs.  Take of the distributo cap, and look at the points while someone turns the engine over, or use a remote start switch, and watch the points yourself.  If they open, then the problem is elsewhere, but if they don't...and this was a common problem.....use a matchbook cover, and when the arm on the points is at one of the four "flat".....low.....spots on the 4 lobe cam, at the base of the distributor, loosen the screw that holds the points in place, insert the matchbook cover between the points, tighten the screw, remove the matchbook cover, start the engine.  Always look for fuel, and spark first.  It's almost always that simple.  The unusual, well, unusual.  Good luck, Ron.