Volkswagen Repair: 02 Passat Drivers door sensor, door latch assembly, repair manual

I have an 02 Passat and whenever I hit a small bump or turn a corner the car starts beeping and saying the drivers door is open. This is so annoying. I have to open the door and slam it to get it to stop. Is there any kind of quick fix? We live 90 miles from nearest vw dealer. Thank you!

Hi Dan;
There is only one way I know of.  That is to replace the door latch assembly in the door, and it's a real involved repair.  Two hours of flat rate labor at $95.00 per hour, plus a part that runs around $190.00...So, just about $380.00 to 400.00.  I would'nt recommend repairing it yourself, but if you sre very adept, and have strong fingers, and a wide variety of tools then get the "Bentley's" repair manual, and check it out.  There are pictures, diagrams, and explanations to help you through from start to finish.  Good luck, Dan.  Hope this helps a little.