Volvo Repair: 1990 volvo 740GL, bosch ve, foot to the floor

QUESTION: Hi roger,I hope you can help me with this problem i'm having with my car,as my local volvo mechanic doesnt know.When driving between the speeds of say 40kph and up to about 100kph the car sometimes shakes and shudders.when its doing this,i can put my foot to the floor and the car doesn't react straight away.It only does it betwaeen those speeds.if i go over 100kph(60miles)its fine.this shuddering doesn't accur all the time.When the car is idling,the engine ticks over smoothly.Could the board computer have anything to do with this problem?this started happening early last local mechanic says that i might have to wait until it breaks down first,that way they can see whats broken.Hope you can help,thanks,danny

ANSWER: Danny, depends on the fuel system.  Regina rex systems are known for temperamental issues.  Which fuel system does your car have?  Roger

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QUESTION: Hi Roger,thanks for replying so quickly.You ask about which fuel system my car has.Everything is still the original.the fuel system thats written in the book is:Bosch VE 6/10F2400L
Injectors-Bosch DNO SD 193 or SD 293.
I dont know if that helps you at all?I hope it is of some help?The engine type is B230F

Danny, Ive never heard of this which the bosch system.  It may have Computer issues but Im with your mechanic.  Let it break down and let him fix it then.  Sorry but this one I would have to have the car here and do my own tests and inspections.  Roger