Volvo Repair: starting problem 78 Volvo 245 DL, fuel pump relay, chassis wiring

QUESTION: This old Volvo belongs to my mom who doesn't drive any more but has family & friends drive it to keep it running. It ran fine before the battery died several months a go and has sat since then. I installed a new battery and it would not start it seemed like it was not getting fuel so I removed the fuel filter (mounted on the fire wall) which only had a little fuel in it so I bought a new one and it still will not start. I tried starting it with the fuel line off the filter and the flow of fuel seemed very slow. Is there another filter I was not told about or is the fuel pump going out? This is the first starting problem it's had even after sitting for long periods of time.

Thank You

ANSWER: Jim, It can be a number of things.  It may be a simple fuse.  I would check number 7 and 13.  It may be the fuel pump relay or actual fuel pump.  Without performing some tests, its hard to say.  Roger

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QUESTION: Can you please tell me where fuse 13 is located on a 78 Volvo 245 DL.
Thank You

ANSWER: Jim, its in the same place all the other fuses are on this car unless you have only the fuel injection fuse.  You may have the smaller fuse box.  Lower left drivers foot panel.  Roger

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QUESTION: Roger this Volvo has  12 fuses in the box driver side  I called Auotzone and was told their web site repair guide under engine/chassis wiring 75-79 240 series shows a
blu/yel wire from the ignition sw with fuse 13 8amp connecting to Blu/red going to fuel pump relay I looked under the dash board at all the wiring and no luck finding this fuse  

Jim, Auto Zone knows nothing about anything.  Since your box has only 12 fuses then there is only one injection circuit.  If memory serves me its either 5 or 7.  The fuel relay is in the upper left corner under the dash.  Should be a green relay.  I would start there.  Roger