Volvo Repair: can I do it?, competent mechanic, crank sensor

QUESTION: 2004 xc90 Tuneup. I am a competent mechanic but considering going to the dealer being this is my main source of transportation. Recently had the trans rebuilt (stuck in third gear) and am trying to recover from the bill. The vehicle is hard to crank if we stop for a short time unless you turn the ac off and rev the car to 3000 rpm 3 times before shutting it off. NO JOKE!! The crank sensor bracket was broken during the trans rebuild and was supposed to be replaced. I can't verify that. is there an adjustment that can be made or do I look elsewhere for my problem. My luxury vehicle may have just become a moneypit!!

ANSWER: Phillip, How many miles does it have on it?  I would take it back and have them replace it since they broke it.  This vehicle should still be under factory warranty.  Roger

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry Roger, I did not make myself clear. The trans was rebuilt at a repair shop not the dealer. The vehicle has 95000 miles bought from another dealer, not volvo. Is the tuneup something I can do and would the crank sensor bracket cause a starting problem after heating up? I probably need a full 100,000 mile service. I would bet nothing has been done on schedule. We have owned the car for 15000 miles. Thanks

Philip, The major services on these cars are spaced out.  The 105k is the important one with the Timing belt and tensioner.  I would leave that one to a Volvo Shop or dealer.  A 90k on those is simple and you can do other things that we normally recommend but the book doesnt do it.  Oil change, Spark plugs, cabin filter, air filter, fuel filter, throtle cleaning, brake fluid change, coolant change, rotate tires.  Yes that crank sensor problem would cause that symptom.  I hope this helped you.  Roger