Volvo Repair: 1999 S80 T6 Transmission, selenoid, proper maintenance

A year ago I bought a used Volvo with 69000 mi on it being told it would last for ten more years with proper maintenance. After having it for a year (and hating it) the mechanic said that I need $8000 for repairs and that includes a $5000 transmission because of some selenoid and he said its not worth fixing. I owe the bank $8K still! What can I do?

Kim, welcome to the world of the S80.  $5000 is a bit much for that transmission.  Its about $3000 parts and labor.  My opinion is that if the trans is still somewhat shifting okay, then drive it until it dies or have him clear the codes and go trade it in on something.  The 99 S80 is the worse of the group.  They have gotten better over the years but that one sucks.  Sorry, Roger