Volvo Repair: 95 850 blower, power stage, question thanks

QUESTION: The blower on my 850 wagon has stopped working. Fuses are OK. I'm decent with repairs, but I need to know what to check and how to get at it. Any help appreciated.

ANSWER: Jeff, most likely its the blower motor and resistor.  You can take the motor out and apply power to it to see if it spins but If its binding, its best to replace the motor and the resistor at the same time.  Roger

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Roger. I still have an idiot question. Where is the blower? I recall someone saying it was behind the glove box, but before I start tearing that apart, I'd like to confirm that's where it is? If not, let me know where to look and how to get there. Thanks.

Jeff, yes it is behind the glove box and there are a few things you need to take off before getting to it.  Lower panel, glove box insert and then the knee bolster.  The power stage/resistor is next to the blower on the left.  Big black square thing.  Roger