Volvo Repair: V70 XC Gearbox whine, wheel bearing, driveshaft

Hi, Ive got a 1999 v70 xc with 55k miles , and recently its developed a few problems, at around the 2000 rpm range under light load / accelerating there is a whine which sounds like its coming from the gearbox, when I take my foot off the " gas " there's a slight pause and as the car slows it starts to whine again, its most noticible in 2nd gear, but I believe it is happening in all gears, the other issue is when I drive the car first thing in the morning I get a sound a bit like a metalic meshing but just for a second or so ( usally around 15-25 mph in 1st or 2nd gear) when the engine is cold. any idea's ?

Bob, on these things usually  its 2 things.  A wheel bearing or a driveshaft.  It is possible that the whine is in the trans itself.  Unfortunately if that is the case, then its only time when the trans decides to fail.  I would have to listen to the noise.  I would take it to your Volvo Shop.  Roger