Volvo Repair: check engine light, throtle body, heater fan

v70, year 2000, 107,000 miles. Check engine light on AGAIN. Had ETS replaced, or whatever the recall was, two years ago. Light came on again today. Do notice it shivers at stops and has stalled a couple times at stop lights, but started up right away. Also noticed RPM needle is just under the 1 stops, while it used to go to zero. I am so tired of the many problems with this car and am scared to even drive it to the dealer because the last time Check Engine came on I stalled on the highway and almost killed myself and my daugher. Any thoughts on what could be the problem. Thank you so much for your time and this service. You answered my post the other day about heater fan -- lucklily that was just a fuse and my guy co-worker fixed it. Thank you again.

Kelley, that fuse blew for a reason.  That blower is drawing too many amps.  If the fuse blows again then I would get the blower and resistor replaced.  2 years ago is a long time for a throtle body not to be cleaned.  This is what Im thinking is the issue.  If your Guy co-worker is handy, then he may be able to remove it, clean it and put it back on for you and that should clear the problem up.  If not, then I would see if the dealer can do something else for you.  That throtle recall may still apply to even newer installed units.  Roger