Volvo Repair: 1997 volvo 960 wagon with 2.9 inline 6 radiator, 1997 volvo 960, torx screws

hello,thank you for having this site.i have a 1997 Volvo 960 wagon with 2.9 inline 6.please tell me how to take a bad radiator off and put a new one i have to take other parts off??when putting on a new radiator should anything else be replaced??thank you! caroline

Caroline, I hate to sound like a jerk but Im really not a book to go step by step.   Its fairly easy to do.  I can tell you what to take off and then reverse the process.  Replace the thermostat when you replace the radiator and if the hoses look questionable, replace them and the clamps. Do NOT use DEXCOOL coolant.  Use regular Green Coolant.  Remove the following:  17mm trans lines nuts, radiator hold downs, the fan and fan shroud, the lower hose and upper hose.  Under the car will be a airguide that is attached to the radiator.  Its held in by 3 25 torx screws.  Let that piece hang.  Remove 2 inner 25 torx screws from front shroud and then remove the over fill drain hose.  Before doing any of this, remove coolant cap and drain the radiator.  There is drain cock on the rad itself. 13mm socket will loosen it.  Roger