Volvo Repair: Stalled twice today, now it wont start.., fuel pressure regulator, electrical portion

QUESTION: I have a 1996 850 w/ about 200k miles on it I purchased from my brother. After replacing the battery, plugs and fuel pressure regulator, I''ve driven it exclusively for the past 3 months w/o a hitch. But today, as I was driving, it stalled out in traffic. I was able to re-start it immediately only to have it happen again about 20 min later. I got the car home and let it sit for about 4 hours. When I tried to start it: NOTHING. The engine just wouldn't turn over. Radio, lights, etc worked fine. Just unable to get the engine to turn over. Can you help me.....PLEASE!!!!

ANSWER: Leland, it may be a starter issue or a problem in the shifter.  Did you put it in Neutral and try to start it? Need a little more info.  Roger

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Roger for being so prompt. I'm about 90% positive I DID put it in Neutral and gave it a try to no avail. Not sure if this helps any, but I DO have to press the by-pass button (at the shifter) to get into gear.

Leland, no, that is a separate issue but Im going with the starter. I would have it checked out.  There may also be an issue with the electrical portion of the ignition switch.  This one is one that I would have to look at to determine whats going on.  Time to take it to a Volvo Shop.  Roger