Volvo Repair: 2001 s 80 2.9, wheel hub, rear tires

roger december of 06 I purchased this car. In 14 months I've had all bushings replaced front struts twice, yes twice,wheel hub, tie rods, one ball joint, front and rear tires twice, 8 tires,rack and pinion, timing belt,front contol arms both, now it feels like the struts are gone again,tires seem like broken belts car lacks power and is starting to surge again they never replaced it just cleaned it last time, bought it with 63000 now has 115000? what to do?  

Bob, I thought I answered this question already but if not, then I would take the loses and get rid of this car.  You are going to spend more than this in the future.  These are horrible cars when they get up there in milage.  This car was Volvo's biggest mistake.  If you are going  to trade it in on another Volvo, stick with a S70, 850 or a V70.  My prefered Volvo is the 240 but they are getting more and more scarce to find a nice 93.  Roger