Volvo Repair: XC70 / gearbox / soleniod, volvo dealer, autobox

My car was running perfectly until I went to a car wash, when I drove out, the autobox stuck in 3rd. My dealer says it is the solenoid and suggests a new gearbox at $7200. The car has done 88,000 miles but given Volvo's claims as the ultimate 4x4 estate, it is unimpressive that it can't handle a car wash. My dealer has offered 10% off and so has Volvo. Is this reasonable in your view? Many thanks

James, I've never heard of such a thing and if it were true, something would have been mentioned in your owners manual.  $7200 is a bit expensive.  I suggest a second opinion from either another Volvo dealer or Volvo shop with a Volvo Master Technician.  Roger