Volvo Repair: Air conditioning problem, car repair shop, volvo dealership

I have a 2000 S70 Turbo Volvo.  I believe it is a 2.4 liter engine.  Great car.  I had a leak in the a/c, got it repaired.  The problem is that when I start the car and turn on the a/c, the a/c is great.  Driving for awhile, the a/c seems to stop blowing cold air, but it does still blow.  If I turn the a/c to off, and wiat awhile, sometimes it gets back to a cold air.  Sometimes not.  I tried opening the window for awhile, then closing the window.  I turned the a/c back on and it worked fine.  I took the car in to a foreign car repair shop.  It was a friend of a friend.  He had a tester and was going to charge me about 75 dollars to go in with the tester and re-set the computer.  He said that the computer was not acting properly.  His tester he said only went to 1999, so he tried to fix it, but did not fix it.  He did not charge me, and said that if it was fixed, to come back and pay him.  I would have done that, but the a.c still does not work.  Does this sound feasible and is the only place I can go is the Volvo Dealership?  I live in Jacksonville, Florida.  Thank you for your time and energy.

Raymond, This is a common issue and only we know about it.  There is a sensor on the outside of the rear of the compressor that likes to be annoying.  Since we live in this Jungle climate, it likes to shut off itself.  Im assuming that the A/C system was properly recharged.  What we do is bypass that sensor.  There are two connectors.  One from the sensor to the power lead and one from comp to power.  Disconnect the sensor and replug the other connector into the power lead and you will not have anymore issues.  There is no computer that acts properly or improperly.  That friend needs to stop telling stories. The only controller is the A/C head.  Anymore questions, let me know.   Roger