Volvo Repair: 88 Volvo 240 DL, volvo 240 dl, pamela pamela

174,000 miles...
car has very little power...going up hills, and inclines, and sometimes will cut off if I am going up a slight incline at a low speed...
noticed the tachometer sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
Was on the way to work two days ago, and the car just stopped...Tried to crank it up, it would not start...
battery is fine...transmission is fine...
had just had oil changed, and had a major tune-up last year...
also...the heat sensor underneath the car rattles...
Took car to a mechanic...he can't figure out what is going on...
it is not the fuel pump or relay, and he said there is no signal going to the injectors...
the injectors are not pulsing...
assumes it has rpm signal, because it has spark...
I have compression.
I have spark..
I do not have fuel going into the cylinders...
and thanks...

Pamela, If the mechanic has done all the basic tests then I would say that its the ECU.  It controls the pulse to the injectors.  As far as the tach goes,  I would check all the connections at the coil.  Have the mechanic also check the connections at the ignition control module.   Keep me posted.  Roger