Volvo Repair: Volvo Electronic throttle, viscous coupling, volvo dealer

Hello and thank you in advance for providing repair novices like me with such helpful information!

I have a (new for me) 2001 V70XC. After having spent about $800 to repair/replace something to do with the 'viscous coupling' and needing a new alternator last month, now I'm faced with the ETS-light coming on and the dealer saying  the electronic throttle module needs to be replaced. In addition, the "check engine light" came on along with the ETS signal. For some reason, this is yet another item not covered under the 'extended warranty' we purchased with the car.

My questions are:  Is this part something that is generally available and able to be installed by another mechanic for less than the $1,000 quoted by the official Volvo dealer? Or should we only go with the dealer? Also, is a remanufactured vs. new part o.k. to use? With such a relatively new car, we've already been hard hit and are worried if this is just the beginning of what will be a real nightmare!
I look forward to hearing from you, and again, thank you in advance.

There is only one way; to go to an authorised dealer.
Because this part can not be installed at the outside. These are complex parts; combined with softwares. So, after installing a software will be needed, as "Electronic Throttle Module Reload".
You can not find any "non-original" spare part for this part.
I mean, Volvo is very clever, you MUST use authorised dealers for these type jobs.