Volvo Repair: volvo s80 question, volvo s80, vadis volvo

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Where would the cold start valve be located on a volvo s80 1999 T6? Thanks
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There is no cold start valve on this car. This is a part used on old-fashioned car. This is very high-tech car, every part is electronic controlled. So, it should be checked as electronically for this problem, may be there can be injector problem.

So What Could be my problem? The gasoline goes to the fuel injector plate but dosent come out of the fuel injector. When i give gasoline manualy the car works fine. Any help on this one?
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Hello again,
Maybe the pressure level from fuel pump could be not enough. Did you check the relays and fuses? However, the best thing firstly should be done, the car should be checked via VADIS (Volvo Aftersales Diagnostic Information System), there should be Diagnostic Trouble Codes stored in the Engine Control Module, according to these DTCs the way what should be done can be decided. However, I can say that please if you can firstly check the fuel pressure from the fuel rail (injector plate), it is okay or not okay? After that the car can be tested with new injectors.

The hose going into the Fuel rail has plenty of prusure. From the six individual injectors nothing comes out from them. Any Help? Thanks
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You wrote, "plenty of pressure" but how much? It should be 375 kPa. If the pressure is okay, the fuel comes out from the injectors, "it is tricky".
Firstly, you should be sure about pressure, after that injectors (maybe cleaning of the injectors will be beneficial)

Their are wires going to each of the injectior. Dont they open the injectiors to let through the Gasoline? Thanks
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Yes, but the command comes from Engine Control Module, so I mean if you think the problem is electrical, it is electronical also, because the "brain" is important part. Check the cables visually, if there is no problem, the root cause of the problem is ECM, so we go first step, the car should be checked via VADIS...

The Key dosent turn the motor from ignition either. We start it from the starter. It does a click sound by the shifter but dosent turn. Messege says start prevented try again. Does this mean its the ECM for sure? Thanks

Ahhhaaa, yes this is very huge "clue". If it does not turn, and only click sound (please be sure about battery), it says taht the problem is regarding Immobiliser, so main immobiliser parts are (Engine Control Module and Central Electronic Module), but your problem seems as your root cause is ECM.