Mercedes: 1979 240D, fuel gauge, dieseling

My 79 was running great last fall. Was having a dieseling problem when the engine was cold, ie. wouldn't shut off for a while. Not so bad when engine was hot. Anyway the weather got cold, and it wouldn't start, although ALMOST on 2-3 occasions. Now it won"t start at all. Not even a pop. I added extra fuel because I can't trust my fuel gauge.I checked the secondary filter for contamination. There was none. I also refilled that filter with fresh fuel just in case. I have pumped the system with the hand pump, although with one of the injection line disconnected at the injector pump, the fuel does not pump out when I push on the primer pump. Fuel does appear at the entrance check to the injector pump. When I turn the engine over with this line disconnected, there is a small dribble of fuel, but not a jet. I am in Wash state, The car has only 175,000 miles on it. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Brian S.

The top four issues are:

* Bad glow plugs.
* Air leak in fuel system.
* Valve adjustment needed.
* Starter failing = turning too slow.

Engine Electrical:

Fuel Delivery:

Engine Mechanical:

wont start for anything!