Driving & Driving Test Tips: correct negotiation of roundabouts, sspn, uk maps

Can you tell me which would be the correct lane to take if I were to take the second junction(A)on the roundabout in the link supplied please.http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=51.713928,-3.441693&daddr=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=51.713888,-3.441918&sspn=0.003078,0.009999&ie=UTF8&z=17  

If you want to exit onto the lane designated by "A" you would have to stay on the outside lane of the round about, and by the looks of this it is in England so you have to be in the left lane on their roadways.  That would be the one to use in this case.