Driving & Driving Test Tips: help with 5 cone driving test !, driving test question, road test

QUESTION: I am taking my road test in 3 days. I am getting scrwed up with the 5 cone test even when i practice, i have to take the car forward in between the cones- that is ok, but when i have to back it up with out hitting the cones...i suck!
can anybody give me some tips or suggestions ?
ANSWER: The best solution is what you have been doing, practice, practice, practice.  

It might help if you put some extensions on the cones in your practice area so you can see where they are at all times and keep going up to them till you touch them, this way you can start to get an idea of where the corners are on your car.  This is something that just comes with time.

Another way would be to back up till you think you are a foot away from the cone...stop....get out and look and measure.  Keep doing this till you get better.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: can i use my friend's car for driving test ?

I don't know every states laws, but I am pretty sure that you can use any vehicle you want, as long as you have permission to use it, and it is insured.

A call to any local motor vehicle office in your state should answer the question for sure.  Make the call.
