Driving & Driving Test Tips: Driving Test, institute of advanced motorists, unanswerable question

I took my advanced test some time ago and my husband did not. Does that make me a better driver than him?

I am in the UK

Hi, Solitaire,

Well, there's a question!

Are you a good driver? You didn't say whether you actually passed the advanced test or not… I guess you mean it was the Institute of Advanced Motorists test?

If you passed the test, then that makes you a seasoned, experienced, competent and thoughtful driver.

Even if you did not pass, you may still qualify as a better driver simply because you think about your driving and take it seriously enough to strive for a higher standard.

However, how you would compare to your husband, is an unanswerable question.

Assuming he is a driver, unless you have a valid yardstick to start from it would be impossible to compare standards even in the roughest fashion.

Why did he not take the advanced test?   Maybe he is bad enough to believe he would not pass – or maybe he is good enough to be qualified above the IAM standard and be exempt from the test.

If you seriously are concerned about this, then the best suggestion I can give, is that you both join in with some of the skill events that all local branches of the IAM organise and compete, you will both benefit from the experience and both (hopefully) get even better.

Best wishes,
