Driving & Driving Test Tips: driving test nerves, driving test nerves, clutch control

on my test im fine until it comes to the manuovers then my left leg starts to shake and i feel i am not in control any advice on how to over come this  

This is a very common problem, indeed I remember experiencing it myself when I was learning to drive.

The important thing to remember is that you are concentrating very hard on clutch control and are aware that super fine control is required and the stress of that is causing a nervous reaction.

First thing to remember, the Examiner is aware of this problem and will give you a lot of leeway on the shake as long as you manage to keep control.

Second, Super fine control is not required. What you have to do is learn exactly where the clutch begins to "Bite" and let the pedal out relatively quickly to a point just before that, the result being that you will reduce the amount of time that you are struggling to keep it moving very slowly therefore placing less effort on your leg muscles, experience and practice is the only real cure.

Another point depends on whether you are male or female and what kind of shoes you wear. sometimes it is possible to be able to use your heel as a pivot point on the floor which gives you a firm anchor point to control the shake.

Unfortunately, this does not work for everyone but it would be worth experimenting with different types of shoes to see if you can get some advantage with something different.

Finally, remember that this problem is temporary. as you become more at ease with clutch control you will find that the problem will disappear.

In short, remember to try to keep your clutch point to a minimum time and practice, practice, practice even in a stationary car helps or even with a spring at home if all else is impossible.

Good luck.
