Driving & Driving Test Tips: Driving test- tomorrow!!!!!, passing the driving test, test tomorrow

Hi Alison

Iam taking my driving test tomorrow for the 4th time!!! I feel I'm a good driver I have my own car and go out frequently with my Dad ( Advanced driver of some 15 years). The thing that lets me down on test are my nerves, I never feel at ease and never drive like I do on a day to day basis which is to a high standard my instructor and Dad say! I am taking my test this time in my own car as I have had it for 6 months and feel much more confident in it than my instuctors. Also my friend has just failed her test(yesterday) for lack of use of her mirrors, I'm very worried because when I get nervous I forget the simple things I do everyday and I mess up. Do you have any general tips on passing the driving test and any tips on curing my nerves, I think I have exhausted my local aromatherapy shops of there relaxing oils, I'm desperate to pass this time!!!  HELP    


Hi Kellyanne
Here are a few quick tips,
1) Try not to put the examiner on a pedestal. He/she is not God, just a normal person doing a job.  They don't earn vast amounts of money, they are just normal workers.
2) If you do make a mistake, forget about it. I have known people make what they see as terrible mistakes and still pass.  You are more likely to make a bigger mistake if you keep thinking about what has just happened. Once it's done it's done you can't change it, so press on thinking about what you are doing, not about what you did 2 minutes ago.
3)  Drive as your instructor has taught you, ignore well meaning friends who say....."drive slowly, you can't fail for going too slow"   YOU CAN!  Use the gears/handbrake as you have been taught..your instructor knows best. Don't change anything!
4)  If you find your self panicking take a couple of deep breaths and exhale through your mouth, it will calm you a bit.
5)   Good luck, and let me know how it goes
