4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: flashing 4x4 light on isuzu, isuzu trooper, auto parts stores

how do i get the 4x4 flasing light on dash to go out the 4x4 worksas it should isuzu trooper 2002  thanks peter

You need to check the wiring first.  This could be a bad ground or shorted positive connection.  Then you need to check the transfer case and make sure that all the connections are good, and that it is functioning properly.  It could be a faulty component in the front differential also, as many vehicles have a vacuum or electrical component that engages the front end.  If this is the case, that component controls the light.
I would purchase a repair manual for it at your local auto parts stores.  They are great for trouble shooting and have wiring diagrams along with pictures of the various components.
