4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1993 jeep grand cherokee, jeep grand cherokee, norwood ontario

my jeep has once in a while problem
i will be driving down the road and all of a sudden will start to shake and fell like the drivers tire is going to fall off.
i have jack up the front and checked nothing is loose I have changed the tires.
it was get by a local shop but they said there was nothing that they could see
If you have any ideas that would be great it's a graet truck just need to fix this problem

norwood ontario  


This is a common problem if you have oversize tires.  If you have rotated the tires, balanced them, or changed them, then you have done the first thing that I would suggest.  Remember, you can have an "out of round" tire, and this can be hard to find.

The next thing I would do, is to replace the shocks, and steering stabilizer.  If you don't have a stabilizer, then you should consider installing one.

It might be a good idea to take the Cherokee into a reputable front end shop, and have the do a front end alignment on it.  Sometimes worn steering components can cause this problem.
