4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1994 Ford Explorer, 4x4 shop, slow traffic

I drive a '94 Ford Explorer, it's the first 4x4 vehicle I've ever driven, and I don't have an owner's manual. My questions are;
1) Is it better to drive the vehicle in drive or overdrive? A friend informed me it is better to drive in overdrive on regular pavement is this true?
2) The vehicle is currently stuck in 4X4 mode. Is this safe or fuel efficient? I am planning a five to six hour drive shortly and I am wondering if I should get it to the shop now or if I can wait?
3) How can I acquire an owner's manual for a '94 Ford Explorer?
Thank you


1)  As far as the overdrive goes, if you are driving around town in slow traffic, it's better to not use overdrive.  With the slow, stop and go traffic, the overdrive is not practical, and causes your transmission to shift much more than needed, causing unneeded wear.
2)  Get the Explorer to a reputable 4x4 shop right away, if you can't get it out of 4-wheel drive.  The only safe way to drive on a hard surface with any 4-wheel drive vehicle, is if it has "Full-Time 4-Wheel Drive", and I don't think this is the case with the Explorer.  If it doesn't have full time 4-wheel drive, and it is stuck in 4-wheel drive, it can ruin a transfer case, and cause other drive train problem.  If it is actually in 4-wheel drive on a hard surface, you should notice a problem in the steering.
3)  Any Ford dealer can order you a manual for your Explorer.  If your local dealer can't order you one, try doing a search on the internet with the keywords "Ford Explorer Manual", and you should get several results with locations for ordering one.  Another suggestion, is to purchase a repair manual such as Chilton, or Haynes from your local auto parts store.  They are written for specific vehicles and years.  These are great for doing any troubleshooting, or basic repairs yourself.  They are quite helpful even if you don't want to dig in and do the repairs as they are a great guide in helping you understand problems that may occur.
