4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 93 ford escort, ford escort, battery voltage

my 93 escort wont start I canged the starter about 3months ago ran fine now it wont start turn key idiot ligts come on no start no clicking nothing battery is good could it be a relay or ?


Double check the  battery under a load.  Many batteries can show 12 volts, but may drop in voltage drastically when under a load.  Try turning on the lights, and see if they are bright, and see if the battery voltage drops when the lights are on.  Idiot lights don't draw a lot of energy, so a bad battery will still light them up.  If the battery seems to be low, then I would make sure that your alternator is working properly.

I have seen new batteries, starters, and solenoids go bad, so that is a possibility.  Other than that, some cars have an ignition fuse, or fuseable link that can go bad.  If these items seem to check out ok, then the other item that can cause this would be a bad ignition switch.
