4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 1968, auto parts stores, coil wire

I know this isn't your field but i'm haveing trouble getting my grandfathers 1968 cj started.I get it to turn over good but won't start.when i give it a boost in the carb it'll shoot a flame out of the carb about 2 feet high but still doesn't fire.I was wondering if you could give me an idea where to get help?
Thank you!


Since you have flames shooting out the carb, you know that you must be getting spark.  Make sure that the fuel pump is working.  You can take the fuel line off of the carburetor, and put the end of it in a can or jar.  Then you can crank the motor over and see if it pumps fuel.  Make sure that you remove the coil wire when doing this so that there is no chance of a spark igniting the gas.  The next thing you need to check, is the gap on the points, as this can affect the dwell, and the timing to a certain degree.  If these seem to be ok, then you need to check the ignition timing.

I would suggest that you purchase a repair manual (around $20) for the Jeep.  These manuals give step by step instructions on most repairs, and tests such as timing, and can come in handy for future trouble shooting.  They can be purchased at most auto parts stores.
